Saturday, September 20, 2008

Exercise #7: Technology

I may be jumping ahead of the O! What a Geek schedule by discussing this, but my favorite Web 2.0 tool is the delicious bookmarking tool. Prior to discovering delicious I had to use a really primitive, jerry-rigged system wherein I had to bookmark websites on all of the browsers I use, organize my links using a bunch of unwieldy folders, and save the bookmarks as a webpage on my flash drive. It was a real pain. Now I just log into my delicious account whenever I settle in at a terminal and add any new links I like to my accessible-from-anywhere delicious account. And tags are an infinitely better way of organizing links than folders, since you can "file" a link in more than one place without ending up with a really long and awkward folder tree.

The ironic thing is that I do not really use delicious as a Web 2.0 tool, at least in terms of sharing information. I tag all of my bookmarks but I don't pay any attention to other people's tags or bookmarks, and I don't share most of my bookmarks with anyone else - the only current exceptions being my O! What a Geek-related links.

I have, however, trained a couple of my co-workers in the use of delicious, despite such training being my 7-and-a-half habits tutorial Achilles' heel.

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