Monday, September 22, 2008

Exercise #8: Bloglines

I already have a Bloglines account. I set it up after taking one of Michael Sauers' classes about a year or so ago. I only use it to follow a dozen or so library-related blogs: the NLA, the NLC, the Federal Depository Library Program and a couple other government document-related websites, Planet Cataloging, Unshelved, and, now, a handful of blogs by my OPL co-workers. After I initially set up the account I used it to follow pretty much every website I visit regularly that has a RSS feed, but after a couple weeks I realized that I really didn't like following blogs that way. Bloglines makes everything look the same, and I found it very dreary to read every blog post in the same visual format. I much prefer visiting the various sites themselves, and never found it to be too much work to do so, especially after I set up my delicious account. Perhaps there are other RSS readers that are less monotonous, but I haven't looked at any of them. I left a few subscriptions in my Bloglines account mainly so that I can remain somewhat fluent in the use of RSS readers. And now it has come in real handy with this assignment!

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